Signed in as:
Wyld Rosies exists to
encourage dialogue and
help people find common ground
around this idea that the current system is a scam and should be
torn down and REBUILT
"The Pen is Mightier than the Sword" - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
At Wyld Rosies, we believe that words are powerful. We believe that clear communication is the key to building understanding, finding common ground and claiming our individual and collective power. The words and phrases in our designs are intended to be a jumping off point for constructive dialogue. They are a tool for bridging the gaps that have been sown in our society for the gain of the powerful few (aka the ruling class).
Divide and conquer is an age old formula for keeping power concentrated in the hands of a few. We need to acknowledge that most people want the same basic things - a home, adequate food, education, a way to take care of our families, time to enjoy life, a social/support network. Then, we have to figure out that they are using a very old, yet very effective strategy to reach their power and greed-based outcomes at the expense of the people. Only once we understand this can we find the common ground that is required to move toward a better future.
The point is this: We have a lot more in common than they want us to believe. Oh - and the people at the top of the food chain - they need us to keep fighting with each other. That's the only way they hold on to power. Imagine what could happen if we (the people) got on the same page and figured it out - their game would be over. The people could take the power back. There is a handful of people playing us all and reaping big rewards on the backs of the working class. That's US.
Disrupt the System is a rallying cry for the masses. How much longer are we going to do this? This system isn't going to change itself.
Wyld Rosies Love Your Neighbor Tee. There's nothing we need more right now.
The problems we have in America are a result of people in the top 1% exploiting the rest of us in varying degrees. The top down model does not work long term. It exchanges a nation's true prosperity for an unsustainable model of concentrated wealth in the hands of a few. This is unsustainable because the people will not continue to stand by long term, struggling to meet the basic needs of their family, while a handful of people hoard the wealth we are creating for them. At some point, we figure out what is going on and that we don't actually have to put up with it anymore.
Right now is a good time to start talking about these ideas. Our country has been bitterly divided mostly by the media that is owned by the top 1%. Think about it - if they can use the media tool to keep all of us fighting with each other, they can pull as much shit as they want while we are distracted. This is what happens, this is how our country has arrived where we are today. We've all heard of "divide and conquer," and this is exactly the strategy that is being used to keep us from turning our attention toward them. One of the oldest plays in the book - and it works like a charm.
Look at how volatile everything has gotten over the past few years. This is much different than years past, where you could support one political party or another and it didn't mean you had to hate your neighbor or lose your friends over it. Why is it like this now? There are a lot of reasons, but the bottom line is if we (the people) get on the same page and turn our attention toward them (the billionaire class), their game is up. So - they use their resources to keep us from doing that. The media (all forms) is arguably the most effective tool in their toolbox. It's not that complicated, really.
So we have this system that is a product of a bunch of billionaires and corporate interests putting their heads together and figuring out how to manipulate everything for their benefit. The people are so used to this system that we continue to participate in it with no conscious thought as to how upside down it is. We have to try and see it from a different perspective than we are used to. It is a system flawed from the start, skewed to the benefit of a few and now way past its prime.
Here are a few examples of what happens with a "business as usual" approach:
When the billionaire class is not properly regulated, there are many consequences - all of which are apparent in American society today. Some things to think about:
*Wealth Inequality - Society is reduced to rich versus poor, inevitably resulting in a disappearing middle class, starvation wage jobs, lack of basic worker benefits. The working people are viewed as “cattle” by the ruling class. A unit of production. The people of this country deserve more than this. Our lives should not be reduced to units of productivity on a spreadsheet.
*Monopoly Power - When all of the capital and resources are owned by a few corporations, these corporations are at liberty to hike prices on critical consumer goods and services (think healthcare/medications, internet access, food, housing) whenever they want to. And they definitely will! They are driven only by profit, and for the benefit of the shareholders. They do not care for the people of this country, except as a factor of their profit.
*Inequality and Social Division - These social problems manifest when the people do not have the resources needed to carry on their daily lives. The lion’s share of wealth, resources and power become concentrated in the hands of a few at the “top of the food chain,” which is what we are experiencing now.
*Wage Slavery - Dictionary.com defines wage slavery as the state when “a person is wholly dependent on income from employment, typically employment of an arduous or menial nature.” This creates an environment where people cannot “get ahead” and find themselves running on a hamster wheel, counting the days until the weekend and watching their lives pass them by as they labor to boost the wealth of the ruling class.
*Environmental Destruction/Lack of Natural Resources - The defining issue of our time. No planet, no people.
All 5 of the major world religions encompass similar pillars of faith. They share more common ground than people might realize. Here are 7 general tenets that show up pretty much across the board:
Who doesn't relate to these ideas is a better question. One reason religion is divisive is because people in power, over the ages, have utilized it to their own advantage and to control of the masses. We have to learn to talk about this stuff - to have a respectful dialogue about sensitive and potentially emotional ideas.